Texas Political Junkie

God apparently wants creationism taught in Texas public schools. Or at least the Texas Tea Party does. Conservative and semi-crazy State Senator Dan Patrick won a big victory over Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in the state’s Republican primary, and appears likely to defeat the eleven-year incumbent in the May runoff. Read more…

Remember the Tribune

If you are close to becoming a naturalized Texan, (not sure such an entity is culturally recognized) or you were born over the sacred soil, you have the innate sense that tells you about the approach of the historic Battle of the Alamo anniversary. In fact, yesterday marked the 178th Read more…

Fun with Evan

“He’s a walkin’ contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, takin’ every wrong direction on his lonely way back home.” – Kristofferson I think I need to add a new category to this site. It will be called, “Fun with Evan.” We’ll have weekly updates on his disingenuousness and hypocrisy as Read more…